Bringing Your Interior Design Dreams to Life

Welcome to Okaeri Studio

Okaeri Studio, a place where passion for interior design meets the comforting warmth of home. Here, we, Nat and Jayden, put our hearts and souls into creating serene, inviting spaces that embody the essence of minimalism and Japandi-style design in Singapore.

Our journey began as a shared dream between two life-long friends. Nat, with her vibrant enthusiasm for all things minimalist, and Jayden, a passionate advocate of the tranquil aesthetics of Japandi design, found a common vision. United by our love for interior design, we embarked on our mission to bring out the best in Singapore’s homes, one room at a time.

Our ​​Designing​

Designing with Okaeri Studio is about you and your journey. We believe that good design is reflective of your lifestyle, comfort, and personal style. By integrating these elements with the principles of minimalism and Japandi aesthetics, we bring to life spaces that don’t just look beautiful but also resonate with you and bring you genuine joy.

Our design process starts with understanding your vision and preferences. We carefully listen to your ideas, lifestyle, and inspirations to create a personalized design concept that truly reflects your style. Through collaborative brainstorming, we develop a strong foundation for your project that serves as the guiding light for our design journey together.

Our Design Approach


Collaborative and communication design process

We believe that the best design solutions are the result of collaboration and communication with our clients. We take the time to understand your needs, preferences, and lifestyle, and work closely with you to develop a design plan that reflects your vision and personality


design solutions attention to detail & functionality

we believe that great design is not just about aesthetics, but also about functionality. We take into account how you use the space, and make sure that our design solutions optimize flow and function.


high-quality materials and finishes from trusted suppliers

We believe in using high-quality materials and finishes that stand the test of time. We’ll source the best products from trusted suppliers, ensuring that your space is both beautiful and durable. We take pride in our attention to detail and commitment to quality craftsmanship.

Our Customers Say

I am super thankful to have met Natalie! She was incredibly helpful and detailed in guiding us through the entire process, making our first time renovation journey a much easier one.


Residential Client

I am perfectly happy with the entire experience I had with Jayden and the construction teams. They are not afraid to counter my thoughts and I am so glad I took their suggestions.


Residential Client

I engaged Nat and Jayden for my restaurant reno and they were extremely attentive to the details and were very responsive. I loved the fact that they were not pushy and actually recommended areas where I could save on unnecessary costs when other interior design firms were always trying to upsell me things.


Commercial Client

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor.

Carolyn Hudson

Canggu, Bali

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor.

Roger Tucker

Sanur, Bali